Senin, 30 April 2012

Efforts of the Cancer Prevention and Treatment of Mental

General cancer prevention

Prevention of cancer is a common way of reducing exposure to carcinogenic materials, Such as not smoking, avoiding foods high in fat, high-fiber foods as vegetables and fruits Such, Akif physical life, striving for the ideal body weight, and live a healthy pattern. Prevention can also be done by screening or screening of the possibility of getting cancer. Cancer screening tests was to determine the possibility of cancer can That Reduced the number of Deaths due to cancer if the cancer is found at a very early stage, where the cancer has not spread further, the cancer usually can be treated and Provide optimal results.
Mental Therapy

Some Things to do in terms of mental therapy for Patients with cancer are:

  •     Manage stress
  •     Aware of the stress
  •     Moral support in Cancer Patients
  •     Stay active and have fun
  •     Empathize (mamahami mental burden experienced by cancer Patients to support recovery)
  •     Optimistic in the conduct of life
  •     Dispose of revenge and hatred
  •     Prayer therapy (hello closer to God)
Source: From Various sources
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Senin, 23 April 2012


Dahulu kala, ada seorang Pangeran yang sedang berkelana bersama Prajurit dan Asistennya. Sang Pangeran berhenti di suatu daerah di tengah hutan untuk beristirahat. Sang Pangeran merasa nyaman berada di sana dan menyuruh Asistennya yaitu Pe Kija untuk membuatkan batas pada daerah yang sedang di singgahinya itu. Pe Kija pun segera berlari menuju timur, dan ia menemukan sungai. Lalu ia berlari ke ararh barat dan lagi-lagi ia menemukan sungai. Lalu Pe Kija lalu melapor ke Pangeran. Dan Pangeran memutuskan untuk menjadikan kedua sungai tersebut menjadi batas daerah tersebut. Dan daerah itu diberi nama Kalijaga, karena daerah itu di apit oleh dua buah sungai.
Lama kelamaan, Prajurit-prajurit Pangeran menikah dan membuat rumah di Kalijaga. Dan penduduk Kalijagapun bertambah. Tidak hanya para Prajurit yang menetap di sana, banyak juga para pendatang yang semula hanya numpang lewat di Kalijaga memutuskan untuk menetap.
            Bertahun-tahun kemudian penduduk Kalijaga terus bertambah. Dan Kalijagapun berubah menjadi sebuah desa yang terbagi menjadi dusun-dusun. Dusun-dusun ini mempunyai sejarahnya masing-masing.
Di desa kalijaga terdapat pemukiman khusus keluarga bangsawan yang sekarang bernama Pedaleman. Dulunya pedaleman bernama pejeroan, dan di utara pedaleman ada dusun yang dinamakan Dayan jero (Dayan = utara, jero = pejeroan). Dan sebelah timur pedaleman ada sebuah dusun yang dulunya adalah tempat memasak untuk para Prajurit yang berperang melawan Belanda yang sekarang dikenal dengan Gubug Dapur.
Dahulu juga pernah terjadi kebakaran dahsyat yang meluluhlantakan desa kalijaga. Kemudian masayarakat Desa Kalijaga membuat tempat pengunsian di utara Desa Kalijaga yang dulunya hanyalah sawah. Tempat itu kemudian dijadikan tempat tinggal baru bagi sebagian masyarakat. Lama kelamaan tempat yang dulunya hanyalah pengungsian berubah menjadi sebuah dusun. Dusun ini diberi nama Peta Kawan. Peta yang artinya mencari dan kawan berarti teman.
Dari sekian dusun yang ada di Desa Kalijaga, ada satu dusun yang tidak mengakui dirinya masuk dalam wilayah Kalijaga. Namun, lama kelamaan akhirnya dusun itu mengakui dirinya sebagai bagian dari Desa Kalijaga. Sehingga dusun itu pun dinamakan Karang Luar.

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Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Nursing Standard.

Nursing Standard . Nursing is a form of professional services that are an integral part of health care, based on the knowledge and tips, in the form of service bio-psycho-socio-spiritual comprehensive, targeted at individuals, families, and society, both sick and healthy life that includes humans. Thus the understanding of nursing according to the National workshop in 1983.
While the intent of the standard is a descriptive statement outlining the job performance can be measured through the quality of the structure, processes and outcomes (Gillies, 1989, p 121). While the definition of standards of nursing care is a revelation of the desired quality and can be assessed from the delivery of nursing care to patients. These standards will provide guidance where performance is not appropriate or acceptable. So that is the standard definition of nursing care. 
We who work as nurses who were involved as executor in the field of course the work that became a reference in the assessment of the work is viewed and measured from the implementation of nursing care. While the approach in providing nursing care is of course carried out through the nursing process, a nurse who carried out activities systematically through the five stages that we know is, which includes assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, action or implementation, evaluation of nursing.standards of nursing care, Nursing Blog 
The purpose of this nursing care standards used to determine the processes and outcomes of nursing care provided in an effort to reach nursing services. Through a standard practice to know whether any intervention or nursing actions that have been granted in accordance with the plan and whether the client can 
achieve the expected goals.

Point importance of the implementation of the standards of nursing practice is in order to improve care or nursing services or activities by focusing on business process services to meet the criteria  of the expected service. Standards of nursing care would be useful and helpful for the nurses themselves, where health services (hospitals, health centers, etc.), for the patient, the nursing profession and other health personnel.Uses and benefits of nursing care standards such as:
  1.     For Nurses. For a nurse to nursing practice standards will be used as a guide in terms of guiding the nurse in determining nursing actions to be performed teradap patients and also protection from negligence in performing nursing actions to guide nurses in making appropriate nursing actions and it is also true. 
  2.  For the Hospital. With the use of standards of nursing practice is certainly going to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of nursing services as well and this will effect the reduction in length of hospital patients.
  3. For Patients. With proper care it takes a long time then the cost of treatment and care of patients and their families who bear will become lighter.
  4. For the profession. This standard is used as a planning tool to achieve the targets and as benchmarks to evaluate performance, which is used as a standard controller.
  5. For Other Health Workers. can be used to determine the limits of authority with other professions so that they can respect each other and work together well in carrying out the work according to their profession and enhance the service of course.

In Indonesia legally established Nursing Care Standards (IFRSs) as well as applied and enforced in all hospitals in the country is Indonesia with Decree No. Directorate of Medical Services. 00:03 .2.6.7637 YM 1993 on the enactment of SAK in the hospital. And hopefully with the article on Standards of nursing care can be useful and can also often provide benefits
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Kesan dan pesan selama di kelas X.G SMAN 1 Aikmel

Kesan dan pesan:
nama saya Imam fahrurozi. saya no absen 14 di kelas X.G SMAN 1 Aikmel. Pertama masuk kelas X.G saya merasa sangat kecewa dan tidak nyaman. Pertama karena saya tidak 1 kelas dengan sahabat sahabat saya, selain itu X.G adalah kelas terakhir yang konon katanya kelas terakhir itu tidak enak. Saya merasa sangat asing sekali dengan wajah – wajah anak kelas X.G. Padahal sebagian dari mereka berasal dari SMP yang sama dengan saya. Hanya beberapa orang saja yang saya kenal dekat. Hari pertama pun juga sangat membosankan. Anak kelas X.G awalnya pendiam. Mereka hanya tertawa dan berbicara sesekali saja. Ya wajarlah mungkin karena mereka belum saling kenal.

Tapi untunglah, itu tidak berlangsung lama. Seiring waktu berlalu saya pun akhirnya mulai mengenal karakteristik mereka. Ternyata mereka adalah anak-anak yang sangat menyenangkan. Sekarang kelas menjadi sangat seru dan mengasikan. Tiap hari selalu bercanda tawa. Saya jadi sangat bersyukur karena dapat masuk di kelas X.G. sekarang mereka bukan hanya menjadi teman atau sahabat saya, tapi mereka saya anggap seperti saudara sendiri.

Pesan untuk anak kelas X.G jika kita naik kelas dan berbeda jurusan, supaya tetap terjalinnya silaturahmi, saling menyapa jika bertemu, dapat berkumpul bersama lagi. Dan juga bisa tetap berkomunikasi. Setahun memang bukan waktu yang singkat, saya juga ingin minta maaf kepada anak kelas X.G jika selama setahun ini saya punya salah..

Itu saja yang ingin saya sampaikan. Terima kasih.

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Rabu, 11 April 2012

This type of Sleep Disorder

Thistype of SleepDisorders. Bed rest within 6-7 hours of sleep a day will provide a good quality and has a positive effect on your body when you wake up or get out of bed then we will get your body will feel refreshed and better and make our bodies will be ready to return to perform in their daily activities . Well this time Blog Nursing'll try to share a little about the type of sleep disorder and may we know the kind with kind of this sleep disorder will be beneficialThis type of Sleep Disorder

If we can not sleep needs are met properly then this will lead to sleep disturbance. Kinds of sleep disorders is varied. Among them one of the types of sleep disorders that have been discussed is the insomnia.types of sleep disorders :

This type of Sleep Disorder - Insomnia:

Insomnia is by far the most common sleep disorder, affecting nearly 60 percent of U.S. adults at least one night each week (National Sleep Foundation, 2002). Common symptoms of insomnia include difficulty getting to sleep and waking before it is time to get up. There are many factors that can contribute to insomnia including stress and underlying medical conditions. Typical treatments include sleeping pills and behavior therapy. Practicing good sleep habits can often be effective for treating mild cases of insomnia.

This type of Sleep Disorder - Sleep Apnea:

Sleep apnea is the second most common sleep disorder and affects approximately 20 million Americans. This disorder causes people to stop breathing abruptly while they are asleep. During this brief period, carbon dioxide builds up in the blood and the sleeper wakes suddenly to gasp for breath. The length of time that the sleeper stop breathing can vary from a few seconds to so long that the individuals skin actually turns blue from oxygen deprivation.

This type of Sleep Disorder - Narcolepsy:

Narcolepsy is a neurological sleep disorder that leads to periods of intense sleepiness during the daytime. People suffering from narcolepsy often experience bouts of overwhelming sleepiness and may fall asleep for brief periods of time during the day. These sleeping periods may last from a few seconds to several minutes and in some cases may last up to an hour or more. Those with narcolepsy can fall asleep in the middle of a conversation, during a meal or even while driving a vehicle.This type of Sleep Disorder
Affecting as many as 250,000 Americans, narcolepsy is a chronic condition that typically begins during adolescence. In addition to sleepiness, narcolepsy is frequently accompanied by cataplexy, which involves a sudden loss of muscle tone and control that can last seconds or minutes. Other symptoms include hallucinations and paralysis during sleep.

This type of Sleep Disorder - Hypersomnia

 Hypersomnia. This type of sleep disorder is the opposite of insomnia, the sleep is excessive, especially in the afternoon. These disorders can be caused by certain conditions, such as damage to the nervous system, liver or kidney disorders, or due to metabolic disorders (eg, hyperthyroidism). In certain circumstances, hypersomnia can be used as a coping mechanism to avoid responsibility in the afternooThis type of Sleep Disorder
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Senin, 02 April 2012

how to fatten the body

Have ideal body fat is a thin person. For those who want to gain weight, but for those who actually want to be thin is fat that human nature is always not satisfied with the possessed, some people want to buy expensive drugs in order to obesity but does not think about consequences or side effects that may not fat but instead of disease , a lot of talking  .... :D, well below are some ways to fatten the body naturally:
A. Sport

With exercise the body will be healthy, so the body will function properly. Keep at least one week in sports at least once. With a form of exercise that can make you at least sweat.

2. Drinking milk

Milk can also be a healthy addition to fatten your body, especially whole milk. It is recommended to drink full cream milk types twice a day.
3. Chew food

When the food in the mouth then chew until smooth. This is done to facilitate the work of the stomach. Moreover, eating foods that are difficult to digest. Because other than the mouth does not exist anymore on the wrought tlain teeth.
4. Eat regularly

Every day eat regularly. Always have breakfast in the morning, lunch and dinner time. And which can be interspersed with certain foods.
5. Type of food

Type of food you eat adjust your activities. If you are moving a lot then eat a lot of carbohydrates or fats. Because if the excess, then the carbohydrate and fat will be deposited. In contrast to the protein that the body will not be backfilled.
6. Enough sleep.

Our bodies need a minimum of 8 hours for rest. Always try to nap.

7. Reduce smoking and staying up late.
If you smoke, then reduce it, and if you often stay up then lose the habit.
8. If possible, the consumption of egg whites once a day.
9. Check your health

If you ever skinny fat and then try to check your health. If it were not for the disease then at least with tips on how to quickly fatten your body is already there is a change in one month.
Factors that affect weight
1. Genetic factors. If both parents and siblings did have the same problem that is hard fat, then chances are you are genetically thin.
2. There is a metabolic problem, such as a disturbance in the absorption system (absorption) of nutrients in the digestive tract. Or there may be problems in the digestive system. If you include people who experience frequent indigestion (frequent constipation, frequent diarrhea, or often feel pain in the abdomen) a good idea to consult a medical specialist in internal medicine (internist) to determine whether there was interference with your body.
so first way of fattening the body may be useful ..
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