Rabu, 19 September 2012

know in Early Gastric Cancer

Gastric cancer is a malignancy that occurs in the stomach. So far, patients with gastric cancer in Indonesia, most people over the age of 45 years and is more common in men.

Like most other cancers, the cause of stomach cancer is not known with certainty.
The cause of stomach cancer is suspected because of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, a less healthy diet, consuming less vegetables or fruit fiber and unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and eating foods that burn. 

However, it is the causal factors and can not be mentioned due to only one cause of cancer takes many factors involved. 

In the early stages, stomach cancer symptoms are not obvious. This can lead to gastric cancer patients often come to the doctor in a state already in an advanced stage.

Symptoms at this stage may include a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, weight loss and discomfort in the upper abdomen. 

While the symptoms may be at an advanced stage and pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, drastic weight loss, vomiting blood, black bowel movements, anemia and accompanied the spread of symptoms in other organs. For example, an enlarged liver, jaundice, enlargement of the abdomen due to fluid collection or ascites, and so forth. 

Symptoms of stomach cancer called with peptic ulcer disease or gastritis. This is due to the symptoms complained about the same. Complaints of heartburn, not necessarily to be the early symptoms of gastric cancer. 

When complaints improved after treatment or not even show up anymore, maybe it's just heartburn.
However, if after treatment, the complaint is not reduced, should need to be aware of the possibility of the emergence of gastric cancer.
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Selasa, 18 September 2012

4 Food Cause Cancer

Are there foods that can cause cancer, there is never the answer but just speculation. 4 Includes the following foods that can trigger cancer

Food Triggers Cancer. 

1. Sate.
This definition is about how to cook. Improper cooking can trigger cancer. When we burn the meat (satay) on fire with Suu high, it will form a compound or Heterocyclic Amines HCA.
HCA is the reaction of the animal protein during the cooking process and free radicals that can trigger cancer alleged.
How to safely consume meat once cooked, steamed, boiled slowly so as not to produce HCA.
2. Tea Bags.
It's not tea, but the tea bag wrappers are usually made of materials that contain chlorine. Chlorine is a chemical commonly used in the paper industry as a bleach and disinfectant paper. Well, chlorine contained in tea bag wrappers dissolved and a large amount, it is likely to cause cancer.
How safe is by dipping
a tea bag no more than 3 minutes later retrieved from the glass. 

3. Preserved foods.
Allegedly, sodium nitrate will be present in all foods that contain preservatives that act to form a kind of component N-Nitroso carcinogens.
4. Or artificial sweetener aspartame. Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener used as a sugar substitute for diabetics, as a sweetener in many packaged foods.
How to safely choose only artificial sweetener that has been disapprove by the government.
How to Prevent Cancer.
In addition to careful about the food that will be consumed (selective), it is best to:
1. Keeping a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
2. Avoid bad habits such as smoking and alcohol.
3. Do not consume too much food berpengawet.
4. Consuming green vegetables.
5. Eating fruits that contain lots of vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C and E.
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Minggu, 16 September 2012

Crisis Management In Health

Emergency Management In Health should not be separated from the unit, which handles emergency and hospital usually familiar with the names and conditions of the emergency room (ER). And understanding the ER is one part of a hospital that provides initial treatment to patients who suffer from pain and injury that could threaten its survival. Can be found in the ER doctors from different specialties with a number of nurses and physicians assistants. Blog Nursing'll time try to share something about crisis management and hopefully can provide benefits.

First aid is to support rapid and transient time, as a person who suffers injury or sudden illness. An important goal is to provide first aid care, which will benefit the people as a preparation for further treatment if necessary later.

In connection with the world, then we will know the nursing care nursing emergency. What is meant by the terms of service emergency nursing is a professional service that is based on science and methodology of emergency nursing as a bio-psycho-social-spiritual comprehensively addressed to clients / patients who have real problems or risks to environmental conditions can be controlled. Developed a number of activities carried out in such a way as to prevent death or disability which may occur.

Can exemplified by the cases that fall into the emergency category as cardiac arrest (cardiac arrest), ventricular fibrillation, tension pneumothorax. In such cases, the above alert level is usually used color-coded red and these circumstances require immediate action in the resuscitation room.

We return to the emergency management after we reviewed a little over an emergency. There are some general principles with regard to crisis management.

Principles of Emergency Management, such as:

  1. Be calm, but nimble and think before acting (not panic).
  2. Aware of the role of nurses in the face of the victim or witness and guardian.
  3. Do a quick and accurate assessment of life-threatening problems (stopping breathing, no palpable pulse, bleeding, poisoning).
  4. Systematically assess thoroughly before taking action. Keep the victim in a flat position or appropriate (if there orthopnea), protect the victim from the cold.
  5. If the patient is conscious, explain what happened, provide assistance to help soothe and reassure.
  6. Avoid lifting / moving unnecessary move if the unsafe condition.
  7. Do not drink if abdominal trauma or general anesthesia estimate the possibility of action in the near future.
  8. Do not be moved (transported) before first aid is complete and there are appropriate means of transport.

In any emergency, which were approved by the leaders of each hospital, and of course use established SOPs sister on duty in case an emergency immediately act in accordance with the procedures applicable in hospital. This role is very closely linked with efforts to save the lives of patients directly.

In the third required emergency preparedness, namely:

  1. Ready mental, in the sense that "emergency can not wait." All related elements, including nurses must realize that arrhythmias can bring death within 1-2 minutes. Apnea or airway obstruction can be fatal within 3 minutes.
  2. Ready knowledge and skills. Nurses must have sufficient knowledge of theoretical and pathophysiology of various diseases important organ. Addition to the first aid skills of hand.
  3. Ready devices and medications. Emergency patients can not be separated from the power / logistics equipment and emergency medicine.
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Sleep Tips For Insomnia Sufferers

Sleep Tips for insomniacs - Sleep Tips for ever suffer from insomnia, which often suffer from insomnia or need sleep kubutuhan is definitely one that can be used as a basic requirement is difficult to find and catch. Insomnia is a condition where a person experiences a problem with sleep disturbances and lack of time or because forcing someone to do the legwork, and use. So more or less, the understanding of insomnia.

The adults need to sleep during the day, we know, is the range of about 8 hours. With us and the rest will be met also in the quality of sleep and quality of sleep that productivity in the workplace, as well as day-to-day activities we will be better than the quality of sleep decreased quantity. Blog Nursing'll time trying to share something about insomnia sleep tips sleep for a hard and hopefully useful and can provide benefits.

Insomnia or sleeplessness is actually very good for health, especially the liver (liver). In addition, there are many bad influences that affect heart health difficulty sleeping. For the health of our hearts there is research that people who sleep late susceptible to liver cancer, because your heart will work well when we sleep between 11:00 - 3 hours at night, so we slept very late, the liver is not functioning optimally , and can cause cancer.

People who suffer from insomnia war / disturbed sleep or insomnia is often referred to in the medical world if allowed to drag effect will not be good for our own health. To ensure that people with insomnia need tips and tricks to sleep well, so we can sleep better health and ultimately we will be more awake.

Here are some tips for insomnia and sleep tricks, such as:

  1. We try to keep a regular sleep hours, especially at night. Because of the regularity and sleep habits during the treatment of insomnia to get better sleep at night teritama.
  2. Before we went to bed to rest try to avoid eating and drinking too much. Dinner around for about two hours before bedtime decomposition gar also btelah work before bed, avoid drinking too much, because it can be in the middle of sleep we woke up because he wanted to go to the bathroom, so we slept undisturbed.
  3. Avoid the use of nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol in the evening. Especially when you want to go to sleep. It can stimulate you to stay awake. Smokers often witdrawal symptoms at night. Avoid caffeine at least 8 hours before bedtime. Your body does not store caffeine, but it takes a long time to eliminate the stimulation and the effects of caffeine. Alcohol, although it is often believed that alcohol may be convincing, but in reality alcohol can disrupt sleep.
  4. Creating an atmosphere of KTA bedroom cool, dark, quiet and comfortable. Create a comfortable space to sleep, setting light levels, temperature, humidity, according to the choices we want. Use mosquito nets, blindfolds, earplugs, blankets, fans, a humidifier or other devices to create a nice atmosphere for insomnia
  5. Using the bed and pillows were comfortable. Choose a different bed every person. But we must be sure that the bed and pillows that make us comfortable relaxation.
  6. Doing some light bedtime routine. Before going to bed routine can help you sleep, such as breathing exercises, reading books, listening to music, and more.

Good tips sleep well, especially for people with insomnia who have trouble sleeping may be helpful and useful. So if sleep should meet with both the efficiency and productivity of our work in the long-day activities that would better Accord, and our work will be completed correctly so.
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Eliminate Scar with Traditional Medicine

You fall right? Either falling from the motor or from stairs or falling from a certain height. Yes, because we are old toddler can walk, we often must occur many times. Well, it turns sign language from a small fall we can also cure you know, with some traditional medicinal herbs. What is it? 
  1. Rub olive oil olive oil into the scar area. This method can also help lift scars.
  2. Honey is one of the most effective ways claimed by smearing honey several times a day. This will make the skin look naturally scar and simultaneously raised.
  3. Apply aloe vera liquid aloe vera sap to the wound area is still new. This method effectively prevents the formation of permanent scars.
  4. Make a paste of sandalwood sandalwood mixed with rose water. Apply this paste to the scarred area at night and wash off in the morning. This method is declared as one of the best ways get rid of scars.
  5. Lemon Lemon juice is a natural bleach and can help disguise scars and mottled skin. Hopefully the benefits of this treatment of scars. good luck to you
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Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Infant Milk Allergy.

fic from google
Allergy is a collection of symptoms as the body's immunological response to a substance, whether it be food or something from the environment. Substances that can trigger allergy are called allergens. It is more than understanding about allergies friend. Allergies can be influenced by genetic factors. When both parents, or one parent suffers from allergies, the child was at risk for a similar experience. Well this time of Nursing blog will try to share a little about the baby boy milk allergy. And may we know if a child with a milk allergy baby, we can do things anticipation.

Milk allergy in this case the child is allergic to cow's milk can occur because when the immune system in infants / children make the wrong assessment of the substances contained in cow's milk that cow's milk is supposed that can harm the body's immune system will perform a series of actions the fight and usually signs that we get is an allergic reaction and expressed the child will often fussy babies, and also restless with common allergic symptoms. If the baby is allergic to cow's milk on the sign will look.

Cow's milk protein listed as one of the triggers of allergies in children. As we know, the protein in milk is actually there are two casein and whey. Casein, which accounted for 76-86% of it is the cause of most allergies to milk. Included also on what happens to cow's milk allergy in infants and children allergic to cow's milk. In children who are hypersensitive, these proteins can trigger the formation of antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE).

Antibodies that causes the release of histamine, or which cause allergic reactions in the body. When children consume cow's milk, the body will form antibodies. The longer he consumes, the higher antibody. When it passed the threshold of antibodies, then comes the allergy.

Symptoms of cow's milk allergy signs are very diverse. Among the signs of cow's milk allergy is skin redness, itching, swelling, and eczema. Allergies can also disrupt the digestive tract that this will lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. While the respiratory tract, allergic Reaction manifested in the form of signs recurrent cold cough, shortness of breath and asthma.

There are some things that increase the risk of milk allergy. The risk factors the child is allergic to cow's milk are:
  1. Family History. If there is a family who suffer from allergies against each particular food, the child will be exposed to a greater risk of milk allergy than in children who do not have specific food allergies.
  2. Having a history of allergies Others. When a child has an allergy to cow's milk, usually the children will be more susceptible to other allergies.
  3. Age Factor. Cow's milk allergy is usually often afflict infants or children. With increasing age the child's digestion improved and will be more resistant with cow's milk allergy.
But we as parents if your child has an allergy to cow's milk is do not be too worried. Although the baby boy milk allergy, does not mean children can not live a healthy life and also to grow and develop optimally. One more basic and effective in terms of overcoming cow's milk allergy is to avoid it. So his successor could look milk-based soy isolates can be used as an alternative for children who have milk allergy children. For the present it has been quite a lot of milk for children based soy isolates or better known as soy milk.

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Difficult Child Eating Causes

Causes of Difficult Kids Eat For some families who still have children who are in preschool or elementary school that met lest course there kids fussy eaters. There are several causes of the child has a hard / difficult to eat. On this occasion we try to share a little bit about why the child hard difficult to eat?

In general, this kind of problem child eating often starts observed in children under five years of age. In addition there is also the problem is also the problem of constipation in children. Many things that cause kids fussy eaters. Due to the child, when the meal was not only nourishment but also a challenging time, curiosity, practicing, learning, and so on. Especially if it is still in the stage of introduction of new foods. Because in addition to a child that is difficult to eat, children who love to eat to arise obesity in children is also sometimes encountered in our society.

Here is the cause of the reasons kids hard and difficult to eat such as:

  1. Children eating snacks that contain lots of calories before eating. Foods that contain lots of calories are usually sugary foods such as candy, soft drinks, chocolate, snack areas MSG. Due to the sweet taste and calorie content of a lot of these then the child was already full so that when eating, the portion would not be eating much.
  2. Kids are bored in the menu and the presentation of food. At the present time it seems the kids are getting smarter in choosing foods that she likes. In contrast to the time when we are small, do not eat a lot of stuff and we are also accustomed to eating. If now many children who quickly get bored with the food menu served up by his mother. So this should be encouraging women to make more creative in the diet so as to avoid the tedium of children coming to the food menu.
  3. Drinking too much milk. By changing the time so there are many families consider milk as a food or beverage can replace the special main meals like rice, vegetables, and side dishes.Parents who think this will generally have little patience with the process of feeding toddlers who tend to long and usually interspersed with play. Instead, children will be given milk that would have a faster process because just drunk and in liquid form. And after one year old child, particularly in the presence of infant formula daily menu is not mandatory. Milk in this case only to meet the needs of calcium and phosphorus alone, while calcium and phosphorus can be found easily on the type of fish, fisheries, vegetables, and fruits which is more easily digested.
  4. The influence of parental habits. A child who grows and develops in a family environment that lazy to eat because of diet, will potentially develop eating too lazy behavior to their children. Improper eating behavior that is the habit of the other parents to buy high-calorie snacks (candy, soft drinks, chocolate) to soothe a fussy child. This can result, children feel full faster and will eventually be lazy to eat.

Similarly, some of the causes of child companions had difficulty eating and that we as parents can give children tips for easy meals. Because the main meal and eat nutritious foods will greatly help the development of children with good as well as to increase the intelligence of children and also maintain the health of our own children. Because eating enough for a child can also prevent the occurrence of anemia in children

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Complementary Foods Breast Milk

Breast milk does provide benefits that can not be replaced with any replacement food, but most babies fed on formula milk to grow healthy enough at least in developed countries like the United States. After age 6 months, babies do need to get complementary feeding Breast Milk .Because increasing age, the nutritional needs of children is increasing. Nutritional needs from breast milk is not enough alone, but must also be obtained from the first solid food, such as fruit and milk porridge, which is necessary for the baby in the process of introduction of complementary foods.

Complementary foods or can be called complementary feeding is food given to infants in addition to breast milk, where the type and character of the food to the age of the baby. Complementary feeding is the food or drinks that contain nutrients given to infants / children to meet their nutritional needs. Similarly, some of the some sense complementary feeding. Complementary feeding is a transition process from intake to infants who initially only milk (breast milk / milk) to the semi-solid foods.

In terms of fulfillment of breast-milk substitutes are also needed particular skills are oral motor skills. This oral-motor skills developed from sucking reflex to swallow reflex is not shaped liquid by moving the food from the front of the tongue to the back of the tongue, and so on into the digestive tract.

Along with the increasing age of the baby it will be also increased nutritional needs. When a baby has entered the age of 6 months upwards, some of the elements and nutrients as well as nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and some vitamins and minerals contained in breast milk or formula milk is no longer sufficient. For that reason, at the age of 6 months with the baby we introduce complementary feeding. Breast-milk substitutes will further meet the nutritional needs of the baby and also nutrition.

Introduction as well as the method of giving complementary feeding should be done gradually both in terms of shape and number. This is of course adapted to the baby's digestive capacity / child. Provision of adequate breast-milk substitutes in terms of quality and quantity is also very important in supporting the process of physical growth and intellectual development of children is also increasing rapidly in those periods.

For that there are some feeding tips breast milk substitutes are:

  1. Give exclusive breastfeeding from birth to age 6 months. For the next 6 months after we then add complementary feeding (breast milk substitute food), while still breastfeeding should be continued continued.
  2. Continue breastfeeding until dengam children aged 2 years or more.
  3. Apply hygienic behavior dah hygiene and food handling is good and right to the child.
  4. Start feeding breastmilk substitutes at the age of 6 months with a small amount and then gradually increased with age babies, while human milk is often given. Eg in infants aged 6-8 months to start rice team and will be better when screened beforehand to make it easier to swallow and does not complicate or aggravate indigestion.
  5. Gradually, the density and variety plus baby needs and abilities, especially in terms of chewing food.
  6. Frequency in terms of feeding breast milk substitutes is increasingly often go hand in hand with age infants.
  7. Provide a varied diet that is certainly rich in nutrients to further ensure that all nutritional needs are met.
  8. Use breast-milk substitutes are fortified with vitamins and minerals, or vitamins and minerals provide if necessary.
So had a little friend on complementary feeding and may be useful as well as beneficial friends
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Towards Childbirth Preparation

Towards Childbirth PreparationTowards Childbirth Preparation. Labor or labor is the end of the pregnancy or pregnancy for a mother who has been through the process of pregnancy for about 9 months. And for the first time a father will get the experience of being a father, then in preparation to prepare for childbirth or birth is a stressful experience. There are several things that must be done in preparation for the birth.

Many things need to be prepared to welcome the birth of the baby, especially when the presence of children is desirable and coveted. Preparation before the birth that is quite a lot from it in the form of physical preparation, mental, as well as the needs of the mother during and after delivery, and the one thing that should not be overlooked in the context of preparation for birth is in terms of funding for the cost of labor and so on.

Certainly in terms of preparing for labor and birth is not in the near future in the days approaching the end of the delivery process. However, if the preparation is done away day delivery of course the expected result of the baby's parents will be better again. If everything they had prepared well from the beginning, of course, for pregnant women themselves will give peace in terms of psychological and comfortable in dealing with birth preparation and delivery.

Here are some things to do in preparation before delivery both in terms of physical health or mental support in terms of:

  1. For pregnant women who are undergoing preparation for labor is to be able to consume foods that contain lots of vitamins and nutrients that are required both for the health of pregnant women themselves or for the health of the fetus. Course of preparation in terms of health and nutrition is carried out from the beginning in the womb. Not only when they undergo the process of preparation for the birth only. Also avoid foods that will potentially give health problems for both the mother and the fetus. Among pregnant women to avoid are alcohol, foods made with preservatives, as well as foods that contain mercury.
  2. Pregnant women keep in shape by doing some mild exercise. Sports activities are in order to maintain health and fitness as well for the mother. Mild moderate exercise for pregnant women among which pregnancy exercise, walking in the morning in the afternoon or about our home environment as well as a mild relaxation. For safer and good it would be better if it is prior consultation with a gynecologist about the various kinds of light exercise for pregnant women and also recommended for pregnant women.
  3. On entering the third trimester of pregnancy or who have passed 7 months, should some sports mentioned earlier terminated. Unless and reflection. Role is walking and gymnastics instead is to undergo a pregnant woman, because basically the movement of the pregnancy exercise is to help facilitate the birth process itself. Just as in the set position, adjust the breath, as well as pushing the right way. It was some of the benefits of pregnancy exercise.
  4. Psychological preparation is the most essential thing for a mother to give birth. Especially at a young mother who will give birth to her first child. Mental preparation is also an important factor in preparing for childbirth including spousal support. In this case, the husband asked assist in labor / birth of her child. Maternal psychological preparation is an important part and parcel of preparation for labor.
  5. In terms of psychological preparation as well then convince themselves to pregnant women of course that will take place during the delivery process, the delivery process will be handled by people who have actually competent in their fields as well handled by health workers either midwife or obstetrician and content that is professional in their profession. By convincing yourself it is for pregnant women to make mental confidence increases and pregnant women will be growing stronger.
  6. One thing that should not be forgotten in terms of preparation for labor and delivery, and in any case certainly is to pray so that the labor process can run smoothly and for pregnant women and children birth to the healthy state is no less of a right. Healthy and free of defects and the like.

So had a little friend on the preparation before delivery and hopefully with that we know will be a variety of preparations before the birth will provide benefits and useful for us all.
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Pregnant Women to Avoid

Pregnant Women to Avoid - Foods to Avoid Pregnancy For every wife and a mother's pregnancy is fun and exciting, especially if the pregnancy is highly desirable. A family without the presence of a baby boy and there seems to be something lacking. And of course also expect all pregnant women were healthy during the pregnancy.

In maintaining health during pregnancy, a mother must also keep the food in the stomach. Because food or drink less or unhealthy can affect the health of both the pregnant woman or the fetus. This time of Nursing blog will try to share the food and beverages are avoided pregnant women and hopefully useful and can provide benefits.

Food is an important factor to form a healthy pregnancy. With foods that have nutrients and adequate nutrition can make pregnant women always to live a fit and healthy pregnancy. Additionally it contains fetus will get good nutrition so hopefully when it was born to be a healthy baby, too. So as a mother is expected to be aware of a few things that should be avoided in pregnant women pregnancy.

In determining these foods, it will usually many questions among pregnant women about what foods are allowed and which should be avoided at risk or even should not be at all during pregnancy, and also why the food can and can not. There are some foods that should be avoided during pregnancy as it can cause infections such as salmonella, toxoplasmosis, listeria, ecoli, which could harm the unborn baby.

Here are some foods that should be avoided in pregnancy and among which:

  1. Snacks such as meatballs, dumplings, Bakwan poor and instant noodles and snacks. Of course, food and snacks containing'd chemicals that are suspected to contribute to the emergence of several disorders of nerve growth in the fetus, such as autism, hyperactivity, cerebral palsy, and others. The ingredients to look out for pregnant women in this snack is borax which is usually found on the meatballs and dumplings, noodles and formalin at MSG (monosodium glutamate) or seasonings to sauce meatballs, noodles or bakwan unfortunate. It's just the bottom line is not all snacks also contain chemicals, because there are many traders who do not use chemicals in cooking.
  2. Processed meats such as satay cooked yet to fully mature and other types of processed meats. If the processing method used to broil meat undercooked, the parasites and other microorganisms contained in it will not die. Including Toxoplasma parasites that are dangerous to the physical growth of the fetus. Toxoplasma journey itself is quite unique. Initially these parasites contained in the litter box and then exposed to the plants and grasses that are food animals, such as cows, goats, or chickens. That's where the animals can be infected with Toxoplasma. If pregnant women consume infected meat parasites, it also automatically be infected with Toxoplasma. Parasites are then multiplied to then interfere with the growth of the fetus.
  3. Vegetables. As with any raw or undercooked meat, raw vegetables can also be used as vegetables contain parasites Toxoplasma. But that does not mean pregnant women are prohibited from eating them. It's OK. Only a closer look clean. Wash vegetables under running water. Special liquid to wash the food that can kill bacteria or parasites can also be used. Pregnant women are better to eat vegetables or fruit that is free of chemicals or organically grown. Vegetables of this type has been found in several places in the big cities. Or if not, select hydroponic vegetables are relatively clean of chemicals.
  4. Packaged foods (sausages, nuggets, corned beef and the like). Packaged foods generally contain preservatives which can interfere with digestion feared pregnant women so that nutrients are channeled into the body of the fetus will be reduced. Preservatives are also suspected to interfere with the growth of the fetal brain neurons, whereas pregnancy is the most rapid period of brain growth. Thus, during pregnancy will not hurt the mother avoid packaged foods. Better to choose fresh foods without preservatives. Generally, corned beef is in the packaging contain preservatives. Relatively fresh beef contaminated with chemicals so it is good to eat, but the record has been processed or cooked in the right way and mature. Because anything less healthy can also pose a high risk pregnancy.

In addition to foods that should be avoided during pregnancy for pregnant women, some pregnant women drink avoided in pregnancy, such as:

  1. Soft Drinks in packaging. Soft drinks in packaging, although promoted without preservatives but the fact that it contains no preservatives. Soft drinks in packaging, although promoted without preservatives but the fact that it contains no preservatives.
  2. Alcoholic Beverages. Do not drink beverages containing alcohol because it can cause developmental abnormalities in the fetus as well as emotional problems in infants
  3. Drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, should be avoided or restricted because coffee can affect the baby's low weight, miscarriage and can also reduce the absorption of iron

So was it all a little companions that avoided the foods pregnant women drink during pregnancy and hopefully with a healthy pregnant woman can give birth to the young generations of the nation were born in good health and a good level of intelligence also aamiin ... aamiin yarobb
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Detecting Twin Pregnancy

Detection of Multiple Pregnancies. The definition of a twin pregnancy is a pregnancy that is in the womb of pregnant women have a number of fetuses more than one, could be two, three, or more. That more or less is the notion of multiple pregnancies. Those who have a history of twin offspring (mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc.) will usually give birth to twins anyway. However, twin pregnancies can also occur in women who use fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation induced, women with a history of frequent childbirth, mothers who just stop taking the contraceptive pill, to women who undergo IVF fertilization techniques.
Detecting Twin Pregnancy
Detecting Twin PregnancyTypically, multiple pregnancy easily detected. Through ultrasound, at the age of eight weeks of pregnancy will be detected two or more fetal heart rate. Furthermore, physical examination the fetus will become clear from the second trimester.

In addition to knowing a twin pregnancy by means of ultrasound, can also be done in the following way:

  1. Generally, pregnant belly looked bigger than normal size with age pregnancy. Sizes are not usually start to look normal when gestational age entered the second trimester. Try to compare it with previous pregnancies or with other expectant mothers about the size of your pregnancy. If larger, it could be a sign that the fetus in the womb twins.
  2. Touch your stomach gently, looking for a big part rather prominent. In a single pregnancy will be felt two major parts, namely the head and buttocks. Meanwhile, in a twin pregnancy, will be felt three or more major parts. Will be felt one buttock and two heads, one buttock and two heads, two heads of the two buttocks, and so on. Minimal be palpated three major parts.Detecting Twin Pregnancy
  3. Login four months of gestation, the fetus usually can move. According to the study, the normal movement of the fetus about 10 times in 12 hours. If more than that, up to two times, for example, could indicate a twin fetus.
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Common Pregnancy Complaints

Common Pregnancy ComplaintsCommon Pregnancy Complaints - General Complaints Pregnant Women In Pregnancy For any expectant mothers are common complaints. Just not every pregnant woman has the same complaint. Similarly, as experienced by my wife who was pregnant with a second child, Insha Allah. In pregnancy I, from the first to the last trimester no significant complaints to my wife and thank God anyway at that time the wife's first pregnancy.

While on my wife's second pregnancy, the Insha Allah ... Many complaints are also experienced mothers - pregnant women in general. That's why I try to share about some of the common complaints in pregnancy for pregnant women to get pregnant either prime or second pregnancy and so on. And hopefully what health blog is shared will be worthwhile and can be useful for all friends.

For every mother who is undergoing pregnancy, having a healthy pregnancy is a dream wish for any pregnant women. And did not want anything to any abnormality in the pregnancy or childbirth process later. So what is a healthy pregnancy.

Healthy Pregnancy is certainly healthy for mothers who are pregnant, the fetus is also in a healthy state during pregnancy also always be sent to health professionals who are competent in their field, appropriate fetal growth fell in each preferential, and this pregnancy also brings a fun atmosphere and a feeling for pregnant women themselves and of course also with the changes in pregnant women in terms of physical, psychological pregnant women themselves. Such understanding about healthy pregnancies

Now we step on to the topic of conversation today is about a common complaint among pregnant women and during pregnancy complaints such as:

  1. Nausea and vomiting in the first trimester. These complaints are often faced by pregnant women. Similarly, what happened to my wife's pregnancy was the second child. It's just that not all pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, usually when there are pregnant women who experience nausea or vomiting does not exceed 3 months. But not infrequently also experienced it until 9 months of gestation. Similarly with my wife until the fourth month of pregnancy is nausea and vomiting despite the intensity is reduced. Nausea vomiting of pregnant women is even no need to be hospitalized because of severe vomiting.
  2. Pain. Complaints pregnant pain will usually be felt after her pregnancy increases. It is closely associated with infant weight gain would push the abdominal muscles and back muscles. In pregnant women, these complaints are often perceived by the back and abdominal muscles are weak, often bent or in those who wear the high heels.
  3. Constipation during pregnancy / constipation pregnant women. Besides, due to the growing baby in the womb then this will affect the colon push the bottom, pregnant women are less active, drink less or not eating enough fiber diet can cause constipation.
  4. Swelling in the feet and ankle. Things like this are common in pregnant women, a little swelling in the feet and ankles due to water accumulation. Rest for 1-2 days with my legs elevated or elevated by using pillows propped way or the other then the swelling will go away by itself. If the swelling does not go shrinkage or even more severe, consult a doctor immediately because there is concern that more serious disorders. Because it is also one of the signs of preeclampsia.
  5. Vaginal discharge in pregnancy. Breeding grounds for fungi that normally exist in a woman's genitals will be much faster because of hormonal changes during pregnancy. This will cause infection in the vagina or vaginal intercourse so that it will produce a white discharge, itching and feeling hot around the vagina or vaginal intercourse. And for this discharge treatment should consult a medical or health care provider because the administration of drugs during pregnancy should be really careful because it can be less good effect on the fetus when taking random drug without a doctor's recommendation.
  6. Shortness of Breath. At the gestational age of 8 to 9 months and will approach the process of labor, pregnant women usually mild shortness of breath. This happens because the baby presses the lungs of the mother. Shortness of breath will go away on its own a few weeks before the birth in which the baby's head began to enter into the pelvic cavity. It can actually be solved in a way when you're working on something, do it slowly and using a pillow lay a bit high. If the shortness of breath that pregnant women felt increasingly intrusive and make pregnant women become difficult to sleep, immediately consult and consult a gynecologist where we used to control pregnancy.
So had some common and prevalent complaints experienced by pregnant women during pregnancy. The bottom line is that not all pregnant women experience. Due to complaints of pregnant women in each trimester different. Both complaints of pregnant women in the first trimester, second trimester and third trimester. Maternal psychological readiness itself will greatly affect those complaints during pregnancy.
Common Pregnancy Complaints
First trimester complaints like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, emotional changes, frequent urination. While complaints of pregnant women in the second trimester is just like vaginal discharge, bloating, constipation / constipation. While a common complaint in the third trimester of them are leg swelling, a little shortness of breath, pelvic pain, and others. Differences complaints of pregnant women in each trimester of pregnancy.
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Patients with High Cholesterol Diet

Patients with High Cholesterol Diet - Diet for People with High Cholesterol Cholesterol is especially bad cholesterol is one of the precipitating factors of coronary heart disease. Because if cholesterol is left longer it will be much later in the disease arise someday.

Cholesterol is a basic ingredient formation of steroid hormones. Cholesterol that we need it, is normally produced by the body in the right amount. But he could be increased in number due to the intake of foods derived from animal fats, eggs and similar junk food. Excessive cholesterol in the body will be buried in the walls of blood vessels and cause a condition called atherosclerosis, which is narrowing or hardening of the arteries. This condition is a precursor of heart disease and stroke.

The division cholesterol outlined in the public health field we know as the bad cholesterol, the good cholesterol, and also trigeserid. Good cholesterol or medical term HDL (High Density Cholesterol) has the function to remove excess cholesterol from cells and artery walls and carry cholesterol back to the liver for disposal. While LDL cholesterol (Low Density Cholesterol) carry cholesterol from the liver and released into the blood vessel wall, may cause the accumulation / plaque on the walls of blood vessels that can cause constriction of blood vessels. Triglycerides are another type of fat contained in the food.

Surely that will be discussed high cholesterol are more specific to the kolsterol evil. Here are some tips on diet of patients with high cholesterol such as:

  1. Consumption of foods low in cholesterol. Cholesterol is the result of a typical animal products, then this type of diet is recommended to reduce consumption of animal products rich in cholesterol such example is the brain, organ meats, egg yolks, fatty red meat and animal fats. Reduce saturated fats also will use. Food of animal origin, such as milk, cheese, meat, margarine, or cheese, usually contain saturated fat.
  2. Increase consumption of fish than meat. For most people we'd rather eat meat than fish meal. Though the content of Omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish play a role in shaping the prostacyclin which will prevent coronary heart disease, and increase the dilation of blood vessels. Prompts are good for health in terms of fish consumption was 2-3 times per week, and hopefully we can start liking different types of fish food for the future.
  3. Increase your fiber intake. Especially water-soluble fiber, because it inhibits the absorption of cholesterol in the intestinal wall. Examples of vegetables and fruits are high soluble fiber such as squash, eggplant, squash, radish, melon, watermelon, star fruit and guava. Use foods high in soluble fiber such as gelatin, seaweed, and fro, grass jelly, snack on replacing high-carb snacks. The study showed that consumption of nuts every day for six weeks can reduce cholesterol by 10 percent. So the food can fall into the category of cholesterol-lowering foods. And in turn, there are some foods that raise cholesterol levels in our blood. Probably about the foods that increase cholesterol levels will be discussed in another post.
  4. Consumption of Soy Milk. This type of milk can be used as an alternative source of calcium and phosphorus as a substitute for cow's milk. Included in this are soy foods. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends the consumption of at least 25 grams of soy protein per day to reduce cholesterol. There are a lot of soy-based food options available around us, ranging from tofu, tempeh, soy milk up.
  5. The food processing and correct. Equally important in keeping cholesterol levels remained normal is food processing. Although the selected foods low in cholesterol, when cooked with oils containing saturated oil, it still contains a high cholesterol diet. Suggested food processing is to be steamed, roasted, or boiled. When you are accustomed to fried foods, reduce the portions or choose how to cook with frying oil taking in small amounts. So if the food we are included in a cholesterol-lowering diet
Such was the friends bit about tips for people with high cholesterol and may be useful and can provide benefits. To the person who was having heart disease and acquired risk factors one of which is cholesterol will require a special diet high koelsterol heart anyway. And it also needs to be discussed with the cardiologist and a nutritionist as well to help provide a picture of a heart-healthy diet.
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Jumat, 14 September 2012

Detection Sprue Children -Canker Sores

Detection Sprue Children -Canker SoresCanker sores in children ,  Is your baby joy suddenly disappeared, refusing to eat and drink milk, body heat up ,
It may be early signs of thrush. In order thrush is not prolonged, be sure to give your child foods that are rich in vitamins and fiber and avoid foods that are too hot or too cold.
Thrush is a small ulcer diameter of about 3 mm with a cream base. The emergence repeated on the tongue, lips, inner cheek (mucosa) and throat. The number of canker sores remains, not enlarged, dilated or spread like boils.

Identify Types of Thrush

There are several types of ulcers that occur in children.

1. Sprue for Trauma (Apthosa stomatitis).

A bite wound or injury due to improper tooth brush friction thus injure the mouth and blisters.

Selection of a toothbrush and clean your teeth the right way will reduce the potential for injury.

2. Type Oral Thrush (Moniliasis).
It was caused by candida thrush albican fungal growth on the tongue.

3. Herpes stomatitis.

Thrush can be found at the back of the throat caused by herpes simplex virus.
Ulcers often disturbing cheerfulness toddlers are manifold and Apthosa Herpetic Stomatitis Stomatitis.

Recognize the symptoms. 

To prevent thrush, the symptoms must be recognized. 

Early signs of canker sores is easily recognizable :

  • The tongue becomes somewhat slippery.

  • Reddish colored tongue.

  • Injuries incurred at the bottom and the edge or center of the tongue.

  • In the inner cheek look white spots.

  • The benjolah rise in inner cheek to rest so that made my mouth hurt.

The wounds in the mouth can be caused by several things,

  • Since bitten on the lips or tongue due to irregular arrangement of teeth.

  • As a result of brushing too hard or bristle brush that has been expanded.

  • Also be caused by allergies to certain foods, such as peppers and pineapple.

  • Psychological factors.

  • Lack of vitamin B, vitamin C and iron.

Other symptoms of Canker Sores can be seen clearly is :

  • High fever up to 40 º Celsius.

  • Liru urinating out more than usual.

  • The smell of bad breath feels dreadful.

  • You are a little nervous and a little cranky.

Do not eat and do not drink milk or milk bottles. Inspection can be done manually by using the tongue spatel tool and if not possible, could use a small spoon.Press the tongue with this tool, grip slightly lower to the oral cavity in sight.

How to Treat.

Providing a balanced diet in food intake of children is very important. Rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, B12 and iron food. In addition, parents should avoid giving food or drink that is too hot or too cold.
Detection Sprue Children -Canker Sores
Had to bribe the child with a spoon in the food slowly. The company provides drinking through a straw wear glasses to avoid direct contact with wounds that do not cause friction and trauma.
Detection Sprue Children -Canker Sores
Then select the softer texture of the food and liquids easy to swallow. Rubbing the affected ulcer with honey.
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HIV Aids medications with Mangosteen

HIV Aids medicationsHIV Aids no medical treatment could eliminate the disease if one has attacked someone. However, there are several studies that there is also a traditional medicine can cure or at least reduce the disease and try to heal the disease. In the discussion of mangosteen peel extract which I have described earlier, it could be an alternative to cure or treat HIV Aids Can. 
HIV Aids medications with Mangosteen
Who would want the person sick? Of course, nobody wants to be sick right? Well especially if the pain in onePain What the heck? HIV Aids sick friend. You'll often hear about the deadly disease Very this one and there is no cure. Yes, help HIV disease can strike anyone, especially if their lifestyle partners too freely and often mutually exchange, or drugs, or could attack us without us knowing that our spouse or our friends have been infected with the AIDS virus on this one . Well, it turns out HIV Aids no medical treatment could eliminate one if the disease has attacked someone. However, there are several studies that there is also a traditional medicine can cure or at least reduce the disease and try to heal the disease. In the mangosteen peel extract has I explain the foregoing discussion, it can be an alternative to treat HIV or AIDS cure. 
HIV Aids medications with Mangosteen
HIV / AIDS is a disease that is still no medical treatment until now, so it is quite dangerous and disturbing to patients with HIV / AIDS. but with the discovery of new and existing research for the treatment and cure of disease natural cure HIV / AIDS. and people should not be overly concerned with HIV / AIDS because there is a new discovery of natural time cure HIV / AIDS.
Now it all depends on your decision to try one or more of these traditional medicines
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Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health

Aloe vera. Plant this one has been known since Roman times, it has been said previously by the queen Cleopatra used to keep the beauty of the face and soften the skin. Apparently, in addition to aloe vera is also useful as a hair treatment. 

This one is a medicinal plant that contains a variety of benefits for beauty treatments especially for women and also can we consume in different variants of food products such as nata de coco, lunkhead and others. Aloe vera has amino acids, amino acids, enzymes, minerals, polysaccharides, vitamins, and other ingredients that are beneficial to health. 

Here are some benefits of taking aloe vera:
  1. Treat hemorrhoid, how to take half aloe leaf stems that have been washed and removed the thorns.
  2. Treating Strep Throat, how to take a piece of aloe leaf that has been washed and peeled.
  3. Treating diabetes mellitus, how to wash two aloe leaf stems that have been discarded needles and cut into pieces and boiled with three glasses of water.
  4. Lowering blood sugar levels, how to take great midrib aloe approximately the size of your palm, then peel the skin and thorns and clean.
  5. Treating constipation, how to wash and peel half aloe leaf stems. Cut into small pieces and makers use a half cup of water. Add a tablespoon of honey and drink twice a day when it's warm.
  6. As a hair fertilizer, how to take midrib aloe vera leaves, wash and peel. Apply the contents of peelings on hair that has been washed at night and wrap with a cloth. Rinse the next morning. Do it every day for three months.
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Content of Leaves Greeting Benefits For Health

Content Greeting Benefits For HealthSpeaking ofe traditional medicin, it will never end we not discuss drugs. Therefore, we may have the ingredients for traditional medicine around us. Why? Because in addition to easy, we could also grow it yourself.Content of Leaves Greeting Benefits For Health
As the leaves on this one, mothers commonly used for flavoring food, can also be used as a traditional medicine.
Bay leaf. The leaves are multi-use, disposable we bus and used for traditional medicine. Through rich leaf substance, our bus Treating different diseases.
For example, it can be used as a diarrhea remedy, the cure of diabetes, gout cure, can even lower cholesterol levels in the body ALSO we know.

Here is some discussion about the benefits that can be used from bay :

  1. Diarrhea drug
    15 Wash fresh leaves thoroughly. Add 2 cups of water, then boiled until boiling (for 15 minutes). In addition, put a little salt. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water well
  2. Diabetes Medicine / Diabetes Mellitus
    Wash fresh bay leaves 7-15, then boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water well before eating. Apply 2 times a day.

  3. Gout drug
    Take 10 fresh bay leaves boiled with 4 cups water 2 cups remaining. Then strain. Drink while warm.
Content of Leaves Greeting Benefits For Health
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Hemorrhoids Treatment

Hemorrhoid Cures
Disease hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids is a condition where there is swelling of the anus hole containing small arteries, veins, and a large network of areola. In other words, swelling and varicose veins in the anus. The disease is apparently sustained by our citizens. Patients with the disease so painful hemorrhoids, as well as inconvenience, also result in reduced confidence. Here's how to cure the disease by using traditional medicine:Hemorrhoids Treatment
  1. Take leaves enough skin, then wash clean
  2. Boil the water, the composition is a skin leaves three for a glass of water (200 cc)
  3. After cooking, the sieve, add sugar to taste.
  4.  Drink 2 times a day while warm
Hemorrhoids Treatment
Moreover, we can apply the following therapies:
  • To reduce irritation and pain, hemorrhoids cream moleskin the affected area (eggs anusol)
  • Soak in warm water, especially after a bowel movement, less than fifteen minutes. Do this several times a dayHemorrhoids Treatment
Taken from a powerful natural medicine and many try these natural remedies healthy alhamdulillah. hopefully you want to treat irritability ambean successful in treatment do not despair. remember every disease there must be a cure. just takes patience and do not want immediately. okay good luck for you I hope this article benefits. Treatment of Hemorrhoids
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Kamis, 13 September 2012

Boils in Children

Boils in ChildrenBoils are usually very bad to look at. They are filled with pus, which will be disposed of with blood when the abscess to mature. As a parent, you are advised to be careful when out pus. Highly infectious pus that must be cleaned time to time so you better avoid contact with the skin is not affected.

 Type of Ulcer 

Ulcers can also be caused by blocked oil glands, which then infected. Ulcers This is called 'acne cyst', usually occurs in young skin.

Unlike boils called 'hidradenitis suppurativa', caused by local inflammation of the sweat glands. Usually boils that occur more than one, located in the armpit or groin.

And the last is boils called 'pilonidal cyst', usually occurs in the folds of the buttocks. Initially just a hair follicle infection, then added with irritation of the pressure from sitting too long, usually when traveling long, it is formed ulcers.

How to Eliminate Boils in Children 

Generally, the recipe for developing an abscess in children is Naseptin called antibiotics. The drug is taken in limited doses that do not cause negative side effects. Antibiotics should be fed 4 times a day up to 10 days.

You should be more careful when bathing the baby, to keep your children from germs. Avoid using bath up, it is better to use the bathroom or running water. Suggested uses for Cholrhexidine clean. Although you are given medication to clear the baby's head received from a doctor, you are advised to keep using Cholrhexidine for 14 days.
Boils in Children
Using their own towels for the baby and replace it every day. Even better, each family member must use a separate towel set to limit the spread of bacteria that infect the skin and cause ulcers.
Boils in Children
Have the baby to not try to solve it boils with fingernails. Because if that happens, ulcers will become infected and when to get out of the pus and blood of our children, there will be blood poisoning.

To avoid further infection, wash the infected area with antibacterial soap better every pus out. You can also cover the boil with a poultice (bandage) is good.
Boils in Children
You can create a menu of good food to eat the baby. Include vegetables that contain lots of fiber to avoid constipation and provide fresh juice every morning for detoxsifikasi body. Avoid foods that contain lots of oil and make sure the eye angel drinking water each day. This will help in the process to get rid of toxic substances contained in the body of your baby

About a compress with hot water 3-4 minutes every day to alleviate pain in the ulcers. Bath with Epsom salts are also effective for removing boils on the baby or the baby. You can use a sterile cotton swab and warm it in hot water before it is put on the surface of the ulcer, which takes approximately 20 minutes to stretch.
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Rabu, 12 September 2012

Treating Depression

Treating Depression
Depression is a condition that more than a sad state, when the condition of depression a person to cause the disruption of their daily social activities then it is called as a disorder Depression. Some of the symptoms of depression disorder is the feeling of sadness, excessive tiredness after activity a regular routine, lost interest and enthusiasm, lazy move, and disruption of sleep patterns.Depression is one of the main causes of suicide.

The cause of a condition of depression include:

  1. Organobiologis factor due to the imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain, especially serotonin
  2. Psychological factors as pressure psychological burden, the impact of the learning behavior of a social situation
  3. socio-environmental factors such as loss of a spouse, loss of employment, post-disaster, the impact of situations of daily life
Treating Depression
The depression of each person is different, and not either prolonged mourning. To treat depression is supposed to involve family members to listen to the grievances experienced by a depressed person.
Treating Depression
Bantu also with stories or experiences to support Patients for the better. Do not always opposed to the harsh, must be Discussed with the good.
Treating Depression
If your family members are not Able to handle and the condition gets worse, should periodically visit a psychiatrist to do psychotherapy and medication if Necessary coupled with outside.

so hopefully writing suggestions or helpful to you. good luck
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Phaleria Benefits

Plants with scientific names Phaleria known also by the name macrocarpa simalakama (English / Sumater), Makuto Dewo (Java). These plants originated from Papua and was well-known nutritious to treat various diseases, such as diabetes, cancer and tumors, hepatitis, Rheumatologists and Gout

1. Diabetes Mellitus
Medicine: Drink boiled water Method: - Take 5-6 crown of god, cut and wash. - Boil the ingredients in 5 cups of water, let the broth to 3 cups of water waste - Filter the cooking water, drink 3 times a day (1 cup each)

2. Cancer and Tumor
Medicine: Drink boiled water Method: - Mix 5 grams of dried meat of the gods crown with 15 germ white ground, 10 grams and 15 grams of dried bitter chicken paws dry, wash all material - Boil all ingredients in 5 cups of water, let the broth to 3 cups of water waste - Sieve the broth, wait until cool and drink 3 times a day each 1 cup. Ingredients drink 1 hour before meals
3. hepatitis
Medicine: Drink boiled water Method: - Mix 5 grams of dried meat of the gods crown with 15 grams Canella Asiatic, 10 g and 15 g of dried leaves from the gods sambiloto, wash all material - Boil all ingredients in 5 cups of water, let the broth to 3 cups of water waste - Sieve the broth, wait until cool and drink 3 times a day each 1 cup.
4. Rheumatism and gout
Medicine: Drink boiled water Method: - Mix 5 grams of fruit pulp gods crown with sidaguri root 15 g, 10 g sambiloto dry, wash all material - Boil all ingredients in 5 cups of water, let the broth to 3 cups of water waste - Sieve the broth, wait until cool and drink 3 times a day each 1 cup. Ingredients drink 1 hour before mealsDangers of Excessive Sleep Will Suffer

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Efficacy Celery Leaves For Healthy Body

Celery, leaves this one is often only utilized by mothers home to a mix of vegetables or fried. however, it turns out the celery has many benefits for our bodies because it has important substances needed by the body.

 Celery leaves Gynecology
In the leaves of celery contains vitamin A, and vitamin B-complex vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 and folic acid kandungna, amino acids, boron, inositol, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and fiber. All nutrients are many siblings by celery 

Some Benefits Celery Leaf 
According to the statement explained that the content contained in celery vegetables have substances that can treat your hypertension. Not just turns hipertentsi disease treatment with traditional celery has many benefits for our bodies. Among them is a medication to lower your blood pressure, lower cholesterol, help and maintain the health of our bones, works as an anti-cancer for our body and help cure receipt ..
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Selasa, 11 September 2012

Apparently Miracle Drug for Cancer That Married

 Cancer That Married
Apparently Miracle Drug for Cancer That Married . Is it true that marriage could reduce the risk or even cure cancer ? Sumatra .vresearchers from the UK claims that a superior cancer treatment is to get married. Even researchers proclaim that marriage can increase the chances of survival of lung cancer patients up to three times. .

The study was conducted on 168 advanced lung cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and radiation for 10 years (2000-2010). .

As a result, it was found that one-third of patients who reported marriage can survive up to three years longer when compared with patients who were not married. .

Although previous studies showed that marriage is more beneficial for men but in fact, in this study most patients actually benefited women. .

Known to almost half of the participants (46 percent) women live three years longer if they are married. While a single patient man and can survive longer represents only 3 percent. .

"Marital status emerged as an important indicator for patient survival independently. Reasoning behind this is actually less clear but our findings show the importance of social support in the treatment of lung cancer pa
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Dangers of Excessive Sleep Will Suffer

The ideal night's sleep duration according to new research from the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index is 7-9 hours. The study involved 2,000 people in Australia proved, duration provide the best quality of life. .
Dangers of Excessive Sleep Will Suffer
Sleep less than 7 hours, as revealed in a study they had done before, it can have a negative impact on health. In addition to triggering the risk of disease, in this study proved to be a lack of sleep also makes people easily agitated. .
Dangers of Excessive Sleep Will Suffer
However, this study also proves, people who sleep at night over 10 hours of no happier than people who sleep less. Sleeping too long according to the study also makes the level of life satisfaction is lower than if the duration of sleep is ideal. .

"Sleep is closely related to the overall quality of life," said Professor Robert Cummins, head of the Australian Centre on Quality of Life at Deakin University who led the study Darui News.com.au quoted on Monday (10/09/2012). .
Dangers of Excessive Sleep Will Suffer
The focus of this study is actually a problem that occurs when a person's sleep needs are not being met, either because of lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep. Such a vicious cycle, lack of sleep made ​​restless and anxiety that makes people increasingly can not sleep. .

But scientists involved in the study warned that sleeping too long is also concern. Finally sleep can also be an indicator of depressive symptoms and sleep apnea or stop breathing during sleep, which is known to reduce the quality of sleep.
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Natural Diet for You

Proper Diet Program Diet Programs Running is a challenge, but it's basically the most important thing in this technique is to keep working and exercising regularly so that you will stay fit throughout the day. With exercise or sports is the best way right and natural to use the extra calories they will burn calories though exercise has been completed. .

Another diet program that can be followed is peeking through diet or superstar artists because they usually have a crazy diet program. Find out why they still look so fit and healthy. However, the plan may not impose its own diet program but it should be enjoyed. Remember! the beginning is the most difficult step, but it is key to the success of a diet program that has been planned. .

Healthy Diet Tips  

  1. Get adequate rest is a good 6-8 hours a day, use this time is best to keep your body fit and healthy. Eat regularly (3 times a day) and eat 3 times a day, small meals is not an optimal diet. Do not reduce the frequency of eating, as this will only slow down your metabolism even may lead to stomach ulcers..
  2. Avoid Reduce Fat and Carbohydrate in the program still need to lose weight but a better intake reduced .
  3. Reducing Calories Calories in liquid form may increase and cause weight gain fast. Reduce the consumption of high-calorie beverages habits such as soft drinks or soda, coffee and alcohol. It is better to consume water / mineral at least 8 glasses per day for diet programs seamlessly. .
  4. Eat regularly (3 times a day) and eat 3 times a day, small meals Which of course is the most optimal diet program. Do not reduce the frequency of eating, as this will only slow down your metabolism even may lead to stomach ulcers. .
  5. My last meal: Eat 3 hours before bedtime approaching the end of sleep will cause the food to be converted into energy by the body. As a result of the accumulation of fat will increase, if hungry, better eat non-fat milk or low-calorie diet. .
  6. Exercising on a regular basis, such as those discussed above are an integral part of the diet tips. With automatic fat burning workout routine but also many health benefits to be gained from the exercise. The best time is in the morning, because at that time an empty stomach and burn fat faster it will take a left. .

  7. Avoid Escalator Closely related to the number 5, no matter how small will be very beneficial pal activity in conducting propram diet. .

  8. New! Click the words above to edit and view alternate translations. Dismiss Google Translate for Business: Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGl
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Expel Sense Not Comfortable in Stomach

Bloating, nausea and cramps, do not rush to take medication. It can relieve discomfort in the stomach with a more natural and can make your own at home.

 Here is a natural way to relieve the discomfort in the abdomen, as reported besthealthmag on Monday (09.10.12) include:

  1. Treatment of spasms in the abdomen
    Some types of spices are commonly used as cooking ingredients such as fennel and cumin seeds contain oil that can soothe stomach cramps and relieve nausea. Chew fennel or cumin few minutes and spit, repeat three times a day.
  2. Soothe stomach pains
    To relieve heartburn in the stomach, overwhelmed by boiling ginger and licorice. Then add a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers, pour in a cup and drink hot.

    A blend of ginger, licorice and chamomile known to be useful for people who often suffer from bloating and heartburn. Efficacy of ginger itself can issue a wind in the stomach, preventing swelling and cramps due to excessive heartburn.
  3. Nausea due to motion sickness
    Taking drugs against diseases of the movement in a pharmacy can make you drowsy and dangerous journey. Overcome nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness drinking water boiled with leaves of lemon, honey and peppermint.
    Add boiling water into the thermos of lemon to be taken during the course and can be taken to alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness. In addition to drinking lemon water, it can also relieve seasickness chewing ginger or taking candy ginger.

  4. Overcome hiccups
    Drug used to treat hiccups you can not get to the pharmacy, you can treat to suck a teaspoon of sugar or cocoa powder. Hiccups disappears by itself after the powdered sugar or cocoa is sold out.
  5. Relieves diarrhea
    Diarrhea will put you at risk of dehydration if not treated immediately, so you need to treat drinking raspberry leaf decoction blackberi or dry to prevent dehydration and relieve diarrhea.

They also reduce the body fluids and lead to dehydration, diarrhea also deplete the body of electrolytes that may be harmful to the body. Drink a saline solution mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice or lime juice to restore the body's electrolytes.
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Minggu, 09 September 2012

Replace Danger Couple More Diverse Bacteria in Vagina

Women are often mutually couple also not a stranger anymore, especially in western countries. But beware, these women did have more bacteria in the vagina manifold. .

Researchers from the University of California Berkeley found the influence of promiscuity associated with female reproductive system. .

By comparing the behavior of two species of mice, experts point out that the sexual habits affect the diversity of bacteria that are owned and diversity of genes that control the immune system. .

The research published the journal PLoS One this see the difference of bacteria in deer mice that tend to have multiple partners with California mice that only had one sexual partner or monogamous. Researchers found that mice lifestyle has a direct impact on the bacteria in the reproductive tract. .

Deer mice who like to have multiple sexual partners were found to have bacterial 2-fold more diverse than the monogamous California mice. Because there are so many bacteria that cause infections, deer mice using bacterial diversity is to face the risk of disease. .

The scientists also found that bacteria change from generation to generation has been added in the deer mouse genes. The diversity of these bacteria favor genes that affect the immune system of mice to combat sexually transmitted diseases. .

"The mice that often change partners more often associated with rats exposed to many bacteria. They require the immune system to fend off all the more powerful invading bacteria," said the researchers, as reported by Matthew MacManes Counsel and Heal, Monday (10/9 / 2012). .

MacManes explained, monogamy itself is a very rare trait among mammals, which is only 5 percent of mammal species on earth did it. During the process of evolution, mammals constantly adapt to the changing physical and social environment. .

Female deer mice appears to adopt the habit of changing partners to improve the chances of survival and strengthening the immune system of the offspring disease threats. But in humans, the same can not necessarily be applied. .

People are more susceptible to harmful bacterial infections than mice. Another study published the American Journal of Human Genetics says that humans are more susceptible to cancer and cell mutations than other species. .

According to Scientific American, more than 1000 species of bacteria living together in the human body. Bacterial cells in the human body outnumber human cells 10 to 1 ratio.
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